Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Sunday Summary

Yet another super busy week. Where does all my time go? Have I lost all ability to be organized and massively productive? Could it be I read too many of the links sent to me via Twitter? Let us pretend for a moment that it's the spring housecleaning I've been doing that's taking away from my Bonanzle efforts. Make me sound so domestic. Trust me, that's not a word that has ever been used to describe me to the best of my knowledge.

Surely not.....

Just wanted to stop by and let you know I've listed some new items - nothing supremely rare or out of the ordinary but very nice pieces!

Bakelite (
shock!) Seth Thomas Wind-up alarm clock, set of 12 cherry red Bakelite (bigger shock) corn on the cob holders, a very unusualy and HTF one-piece Bakelite (will it never end?) knife, a Flemish Art Pyrography plaque, a mid-century Airguide Barometer, thermometer, humidity gauge, a super nice vintage 7 xxxxxxx quality western hat that was purchased in the 70s for the western themed party series held annually by his college fraternity and lots more! And - another charming item that is quite special - a tatted baby cap in pristine condition.

Here's a peek at some of these listings:

Come by and say hello!

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